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What is Better Enterprise Software project ?
It is a personal project I have been considering in the last two or three years. It is based on the conviction that enterprise software development and operation process is extremely wasteful, and could be organized in a far better way than it is now.

Especially, I strongly believe in the development of an 'agnostic' enterprise software platform with the following objectives:
  • cut by an order of magnitude the time required to develop and test features
  • Allow, at a reasonable cost, to implement any business process 
  • provide the best possible ergonomics modern computers can afford to users
  • be stable and efficient in operations, and limit obsolescence constraints

To reach all those objectives, this software platform does aim to challenge most of the consensus on the way enterprise software is organized.

What is the objective of this site ?

I consider there are 3 major hypothesis to validate on the Ciamarella project:
  • that the envisioned software platform can be built;
  • that there is an interest from enterprise software stakeholders for this kind of platform;
  • that I gather a realistic strategy to commercialize the product
I am already building a prototype of the software platform, and I hope to be able to validate the most tricky points in the next months. I expect from this site feedback and exchange on both the interest for this software product, and the best way to commercialize it.

Do you consider starting an open-source project ?


Building an enterprise software framework and associated services requires outstanding software engineers to focus on the task full-time. This requires someone to pay for the engineers salary. I believe the most transparent organization is when customers pay for those salaries through license and professional services fee. Thus, the engineers will truly be at the service of their customers. I am convinced such a company can be organized efficiently so that the fees are significantly lighter than the incumbent's.

I have come through all the irritations of software licenses in the past 15 years, so I will consider also how to organize the license fees to facilitate adoption, such as providing the software for free for evaluation purposes, organize most of the training material as freely available content, providing free licenses to student and non-profit.

Are you looking for a co-founder ?

Probably not on the internet, although I think the core team should be at least a strong IT person, and a good salesman and consultant in a first step. Today, I am working alone on the initiative.

Are you looking for a financing ?

Not necessarily. I believe there are, especially in enterprise software, self-financing ways to grow.

Why are you anonymous ?

I am currently holding an enterprise software program manager position in a Fortune 500 company. This position is certainly a constraint but also a strategic asset, as I am accumulating first-hand experience on enterprise software issues, and I can also test ideas quickly with stakeholders in my current company. I am obviously considering starting my own business to provide the infrastructure of the Ciamarella project. To negotiate the transition in the best conditions, I prefer not to make my name public on the internet.

Why is your English sometimes weird ?

Because I am not an English native speaker. My mother tongue is a European latine language.

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